Together, we have the power to change our world

Let's use our collective force to create a massive impact! Participate in our challenges designed to show the path to a more sustainable future.
A mosaic of pictures showing hope
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Our mission

How to reduce carbon footprint is not concrete for most people. We aim to change that.

To make it practical, we've created challenges inspired by Dry January. For a month, we focus on a challenge and we inspire people to do the same.

Through these actions, Act-Together unites and builds an engaged collective to ensure a more sustainable world for future generations.
"Imagine convincing ten friends to do the same. [...] Then imagine if those ten friends also convince ten friends each [...] What a huge difference we would make." (Koen Timmers)

Alone, our impact is limited, but together, it becomes exponential.
Let's act.

Join our monthly challenges for a joyful and sustainable future

We're launching a series of monthly challenges based on 9 key principles, like sustainable mobility and carbon-neutral living.

These challenges are designed to be time-limited, making them easier to commit to, while demonstrating that sustainable living is not a sacrifice — it’s an opportunity for pleasure.

Imagine a city like Brussels where, for one month, no one uses their car. The resulting cleaner air and quieter streets could be a taste of the life we all deserve.

Let’s show that collective effort can lead to profound, positive change.
Let's build a collective movement that will create a tipping point

Join, Share, Influence: Your Impact for a Sustainable Future

Join us on this journey and, together, let's transform our world for the better

Our values

Happiness and sharing

Living sustainably is not a sacrifice for your happiness. If we all move in the same direction, we will make our world a sustainable one.

We are looking for our first 1000 ambassadors to launch the project. If you want to join, your role will be to help us reaching these 1000 influent persons in Belgium to start the network effect.
Join the movement

Register to be part of our first members

Fill out this form to start your journey with Act Together. We'll send you information about the challenges when they're ready!
Thank you for joining Act-Together! You are now one of our first 1,000 ambassadors! Before the official launch of Act-Together in September, our goal is to gather as many ambassadors as possible. Your role as an ambassador is to help us achieve this goal.

Start sharing now with at least 10 people in your network who you think are relevant to join us and who can also help reach as many people as possible.

How to onboard? Follow the guide!

Let's build a more sustainable world together!
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We aim to embark driven-people around 9 sustainable principles

Sustainable Urban Mobility

Prioritize walking, cycling, and public transport over personal car use in urban areas to reduce emissions and congestion.

Reduced Air Travel

Limit the frequency of air travel, opting for alternative methods of transportation or virtual communication to decrease carbon footprint.

Carbon Neutral Living

Strive for carbon neutrality in homes by reducing energy consumption, improving efficiency, and tracking carbon impact.

Moderated Meat and Fish Consumption

Consume less meat and fish, considering the environmental impact of these industries on greenhouse gas emissions and ocean health

Responsible Consumption

Purchase local and sustainable products, and practice repairing, reselling, or recycling items to minimize waste.

Economy of Sharing

Choose to rent items that are seldom used rather than owning them, to reduce the environmental impact of production and waste.

Waste Management

Focus on reducing overall waste, with particular attention to minimizing food waste through better planning and composting.

Water Conservation

Actively conserve water by using less and employing water-saving techniques and technologies.

Environmental Education and Awareness

Educate and sensitize others about environmental challenges and solutions, fostering a collective approach to sustainability.
Discover more about the ideas we stand for

We're inspired by great minds

In A New World, faced with a grim future of climate catastrophe, French environmental activist and director Cyril Dion goes to meet people who are taking radical steps to save our future.
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The network effect

Extract from Koen Timmers' book,
Game Changer

"I once spoke to a seven-year-old Burundian boy who came to me after I had given a speech at his school.

He asked me: ‘If I pick up a piece of rubbish every day, then I will make a difference, won’t I?’
I replied: ‘Then you will definitely make a difference.’

He smiled delightedly. Then I said: ‘Well, imagine convincing ten friends to do the same.’ He was excited. His eyes got very big and he said: ‘Wow, that would really make a big difference.’ He was excited.

Finally, I said: ‘Then imagine if those ten friends also convince ten friends each - then a hundred people would pick up litter every day.’ His eyes widened even more and were full of wonder.

‘What a huge difference we would make,’ he said."
Curious to know more?

Everything you need to know about Act Together

What is Act Together about?
The initiative aims to create a community of individuals committed to upholding certain key principles.

These principles are designed to shift the "demand" in our capitalist system. By influencing others, this community will demonstrate to the world that, collectively, our potential for change is immense.

Our unified goal is to collaboratively steer change in the desired direction.
Who are we?
We are active members of civil society – employees, entrepreneurs, teachers, journalists, executives, actors, among others.

We do not pertain to any political party. We are not politicians, and political debates are not welcome within this project.

We recognize the urgent need to adapt our current system to ensure its sustainability for future generations. Our focus is not on debating growth or degrowth; rather, our belief is firmly rooted in the necessity of living in a way that does not adversely impact our children and their future.

As participants in a capitalist society, we do not inherently view this system as flawed. However, we are committed to making it sustainable, a task we see as quite achievable since capitalism is fundamentally driven by consumer choices.

Discover the memo of the project

Act Together – We Have the Power

Discover the full project memo here, detailing everything you need to know, in French, Flemish and English.
Curious to learn more? Do you want to get involved?

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